unrequited lover


2 May 17 Featured Image

Unconditionally Unrequited Love

Unconditionally Unrequited Love. From a quantum creating perspective, the more we allow ourselves to fall under the spell of unrequited love, the more we vibrate...
1 May 17 Featured Image

Broken Marriage and Unrequited Love

Broken Marriage and Unrequited Love. A break up or rejection is final. Both of you have decided to move on in life, instead of one...
29 Apr 17-featured image

Why We Fall for the Unavailable

Why We Fall for the Unavailable. Why would we ever fall for an unavailable person? Why would we even pursue something complicated? The answer is,...
28 Apr 17-featured image

Unfulfilling Unrequited Love

Unfulfilling Unrequited Love. A person needs to grow in life. Constant growth is the way to live. If a situation or a relationship is binding...
27 Apr 17-featured image

Unrequited Love, Sex and Spirituality

Unrequited Love, Sex and Spirituality. In this context ‘spirituality’ is an effort to speed up our evolution of consciousness, which then becomes manifest in the...
26 Apr 17-featured image

Unrequited Love and Reconnection

Unrequited Love and Reconnection If the other person is not in love with you anymore, or never was, you are actually wasting your time in...
25 Apr 17-featured image

Incomplete and Unrequited Love

Incomplete and Unrequited Love. Some people are never limerent. They can't or won't experience the feeling of being madly in love. Also, for the majority...
24 Apr 17-featured image

Social Acceptance of Unrequited Love

Social Acceptance of Unrequited Love. Unrequited love has existed in the society since time immemorial and has been a subject of uncountable stories, movies, songs...
22 Apr 17-featured image

The Physical Pain of Unrequited Love

The Physical Pain of Unrequited Love. It is believed that romantic love developed to focus one’s mating energy on just one individual while attachment works...
21 Apr 17-featured image

Rejected or Unrequited Love

Rejected or Unrequited Love. It is quite easy to fall in love with someone who’s completely inappropriate for you. You could love someone who doesn’t...
20 Apr 17-featured image

The Vibrant Theme of Unrequited Love

The Vibrant Theme of Unrequited Love. If things look misbalanced, even when the two of you are legally or socially bound in a relationship, you...
19 Apr 17-featured image

Subconscious Mind and Unrequited Love

Subconscious Mind and Unrequited Love. Every unrequited lover is capable of finding someone to love them back, however, there are reasons why some of them...
18 Apr 17-featured image

Nurturing Yourself in Unrequited Love

Nurturing Yourself in Unrequited Love. Whether we like it or not, the Universal Law of Karma constantly brings before each of us the meeting of...
17 Apr 17-featured image

Wonder Why You Fell in Unrequited Love?

Wonder Why You Fell in Unrequited Love? The thoughts and beliefs you entertain affect your emotions, actions, and the decisions. But, only you can change...
15 Apr 17-featured image

Unrequited Sex and Spirituality

Unrequited Sex and Spirituality. Sexuality is closely related to spirituality in several ways. According to esoteric and yoga teachings, sexual energies can be channeled upward...
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