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Broken Marriage and Unrequited Love

Broken Marriage and Unrequited Love.

A break up or rejection is final. Both of you have decided to move on in life, instead of one of you being in unrequited or unreturned love. But are you sure you are ready? Sometimes it’s hard to tell where your former relationship left off and your new existence began. Accept that the breakup has happened, or that your partner is not interested in you anymore. It’s happened. You’ve been rejected. Accept it for what it is. Many times, we try to change the situation to stave off the feelings of sadness, anger, betrayal and rejection. You might feel like a loser and start to drift back to the idea of doing something. In addition to the normal feelings of grief, rejection brings with it negative self-talk and lowered self-esteem and self-respect. This time you want to get done with the feeling forever. Your mind races with ideas. Not a good sign. Take a deep breath. Relax.

You have separated, you are living in different houses, yet you wake up in the middle of the night angry at what he or she did to you while you were together. Ever wondered why? Perhaps you still have unfinished business with your former partner. This is a prominent sign of being in unrequited love. While I am not saying that it indicates only love, it could very well be. Now you don’t have to panic about being a psycho, if this is happening with you. It is perfectly normal. Certain amount of fallout any time after you have ended a significant relationship is normal. There are going to be good and bad memories which will keep you emotionally attached to your former partner. You may also have ongoing issues that will make you angry, frustrated, lonely etc. It is all part of the deal.

Unrequited is not just about rejection or butterflies in the stomach. It comes in many forms and types. If two individuals have a child together, they are mostly linked forever. In such cases, it may not be over anytime soon, so it makes sense to make up your mind to have a positive relationship because the alternative is toxic to everyone. You have the power here, you just have to choose the high road and sometimes remind yourself of the reality of the situation. You would rather feel good about your life than to harbor negativity. To truly get along with another person, you must understand the current obligations and make a conscious effort to find love in spite of it.

Even if you’re miles apart on every level, you’ll feel better if you make the decision to get along with your ex rather than letting him or her occupy rent-free space in your mind. To truly get along with someone you generally don’t agree with or who has hurt you deeply isn’t easy but it’s worth the effort.

If you’ve tried and you really can’t stop thinking about your ex, there may be an element of depression or obsession. It’s a proven fact that emotional stress is a killer. It is also possible that you’ve developed an obsessive-compulsive disorder, if you are still afraid of forming new relationships. So, unless you have a burning desire to waste away the precious present, make yourself release the uncomfortable thoughts about your ex and live in the moment. Get support from a friend, or even therapy, if you must, though it is most likely that you don’t have a serious psychological problem. If you need to hold onto your anger, love, passion or obsession, you must be able to admit that you are doing it, and relish in whatever you’re getting out of it.

Sometimes it’s just hard to let go and you just have to keep telling yourself it’s the healthiest thing for you at the moment, when your partner probably doesn’t want you anymore. Unrequited love is not going to help.There are many theories and counter-theories on this subject, as love forms an important part of our lives and is a much talked about subject. Some psychiatrist indicate that single-sided love does not last long and is soon forgotten when the lover finds some other source of love or something else to occupy his mind and fill his time. It’s difficult to see the good when you’re holding on to a bad experience, let it go and move on – you deserve the satisfaction it will bring you.

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