Falling in Unrequited Love
Falling in Unrequited Love. Some people fall head over heels in love with another person, immediately after the heartbroken haze of facing rejection from their...

Healing the Subconscious in Unrequited Love
Healing the Subconscious in Unrequited Love. For unrequited lovers, the method of thorough clearing of the subconscious releases negative emotional and mental conditioning! As I have written...

Unrequited Love and The Third Eye
Unrequited Love and The Third Eye. The cord between lovers is one of the most common cords. The sharing of energy is greatly amplified during...

Cords and Unrequited Love
Cords and Unrequited Love. Emotional cords that connect individuals to one another are made of astral and etheric energy and connect the subtle bodies. You...

Understanding Cords in Unrequited Love
Understanding Cords in Unrequited Love. While both cutting and pulling of cords are similar processes for the unrequited lover, pulling cords requires a more compassionate...

Removing Cords in Unrequited Love
Removing Cords in Unrequited Love. Cutting cords in relationships such as unrequited love, implies releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationship, instead of breaking up...

Let Go of Unrequited Love
Let Go of Unrequited Love. When an individual’s relationship with self is dysfunctional, he gives power to other people by actually allowing cords of energy...

Releasing Unrequited Love Cords
Releasing Unrequited Love Cords. When an unrequited lover is afraid to let go of another person, when there is intense attachment, or when a person...

Etheric Cords in Unrequited Love
Etheric Cords in Unrequited Love. Cords are made of etheric and astral energy and connect the subtle bodies of lovers. As I have discussed in...

Cutting Cords in Unrequited Love
Cutting Cords in Unrequited Love. When we say ‘cutting cords’ in unrequited love, it does not mean you don't love or care about the person...

Unrequited Love and the Need to Belong
Unrequited Love and the Need to Belong. There is hardly anyone who hasn’t experienced rejection in unrequited or one-sided love at least once in life....

Apparent Opposites in Unrequited Love
Apparent Opposites in Unrequited Love. While going through separation in unrequited love, it is important to be compassionate. Be true to what you feel and...

Moving On in Unrequited Love
Moving On in Unrequited Love. When you have done all you can in unrequited love and your beloved still doesn’t love you back, your family...