unrequited lover


16 Dec 16-featured image

Rebuilding Life in Unrequited Love

Rebuilding Life in Unrequited Love. At the risk of presenting myself as completely insane, I once asked an unrequited lover, obsessed about a woman he...
15 Dec 16-featured image

Unrequited Love or Crush?

Unrequited Love or Crush? All of us grow up thinking the only love that counts as true love is the kind that lasts forever or...
14 Dec 16-featured image

Unrequited Love and Loneliness

Unrequited Love and Loneliness. As the world gets more and more connected, it becomes easier to feel left out. Loneliness, in fact, is more dangerous...
13 Dec 16-featured image

Outdated Unrequited Love

Outdated Unrequited Love. Most of us experience the pangs of unreturned affection at some point in our lives. But for some folks, unrequited love becomes...
12 Dec 16-featured image

Dating After Unrequited Love

Dating After Unrequited Love. Unrequited lovers end up doing things that cannot be considered sensible in any way, after facing rejection, the most difficult part...
10 Dec 16-featured image

Lighten Up in Unrequited Love

Lighten Up in Unrequited Love. Treating your partner or beloved like a project that you need to work on, like something to 'improve', is disrespectful...

Engaging Yourself in Unrequited Love

Engaging Yourself in Unrequited Love. Most of us have been in love with our favourite toy as a kid. It was perhaps the main focus...
8 Dec 16-featured image

Girls in Unrequited Love

Girls in Unrequited Love. You are not the only one if you love a guy who doesn't love you back. Oblivious to your day by...

Being Friends in Unrequited Love

Being Friends in Unrequited Love. Secretly hoping that he will love you back is a recipe for disaster. What is Unrequited Love? Unrequited love is...

Irrational Unrequited Love

Irrational Unrequited Love. Love is conceptually irrational, in the sense that it cannot be described in rational or meaningful propositions. However, the philosophical discussion regarding...

Unrequited Love Spell

Unrequited Love Spell. Unrequited love casts a spell on the lover. Everything taking place in the world of fantasy is caused by this spell. In...

Handling Unrequited Love in Friendship

Handling Unrequited Love in Friendship. You've been close friends for a while, and it's never been a problem, until now. Suddenly, you find your feelings...

Unrequited Love in Friendship

Unrequited Love in Friendship. It is not easy to be a best friend to the person you love. It causes tremendous amount of pain not...

Cheating Men and Unrequited Love

Cheating Men and Unrequited Love. Saving yourself from unrequited love or rejection does not only include finding the right partner to get into a relationship...

Mental Effects of Unrequited Love

Mental Effects of Unrequited Love. Most psychological disorders are associated with the activation of amygdala. While it has various other functions, the prime role of...
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