Information About Unrequited Love

Being an Unrequited Lover can hurt . Please understand that knowledge and understanding that you are not alone can help. this section is dedicated to that.

Unrequited Love Is Devoid of Connection

Unrequited Love Is Devoid of Connection. The greatest strength that is expressed through an individual is ‘Connection’. What you spontaneously and effortlessly connect with is what really matters in life. Connecting with an idea, with possibilities, connecting with people, and above all, connecting to the beauty that lies within you. When you start making a

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Encouraging Exit from Unrequited Love

Encouraging Exit from Unrequited Love. Unrequited lovers have always enjoyed a special kind of attention and sympathy from our society. We mostly never worry about how uncomfortable unrequited love is, for the rejecter. Do we not feel guilty after rejecting someone? Does it not hurt us to hurt another human? Persistence in spite of rejection,

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