Information About Unrequited Love

Being an Unrequited Lover can hurt . Please understand that knowledge and understanding that you are not alone can help. this section is dedicated to that.

Separation, Rejection and Unrequited Love

Separation, Rejection and Unrequited Love Rejection has a grievous impact on behaviour, sure enough. But the emotion rarely shows! Often rejection fails to bring out immediate emotional reaction. Why is that so? Social exclusion does affect us, but these effects do not depend on emotional distress. This has been rather shocking and has led us […]

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Accommodating Ayurveda in Unrequited Love

Accommodating Ayurveda in Unrequited Love. It might be difficult to be certain of the other person’s feeling in unrequited love. The other person—and probably you, too, if you’re honest with yourself—just doesn’t have all the information required for certainty about whether a relationship will work. Although sacrifices and compromises are prevalent in romantic relationships, in

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