Distraction and Fantasies in Unrequited Love
Distraction and Fantasies in Unrequited Love. Unrequited one way love comes in different degrees, of course, from the temporary infatuation to the deeply felt, all-consuming...

Self-Improvement in Unrequited Love
Self-Improvement in Unrequited Love. There are times when unrequited love can affect your perception of the world and yourself and thus your self-esteem and your...

Unrequited Love – Resistance to Change
Unrequited Love – Resistance to Change. Treating your partner or beloved like a project that you need to work on, like something to 'improve', is...

Unrequited Love and Choices
Unrequited Love and Choices. Fairy tales in real life may not look like fairy tales as presented by Mr Disney. Prince Charming may have a...

Unrequited Love and Imagination
Unrequited Love and Imagination. If we view too much of life through a competitive lens, we come to treat everything like a tussle, a chance...

Unrequited Love-Common Mistakes
Unrequited Love-Common Mistakes. Repeatedly going for Mr/Ms Wrong puts you in the market for relationship mistakes. This one can be neatly combined with being too...

Prerequisite for Unrequited Love
Prerequisite for Unrequited Love. Every unrequited lover is capable of finding someone to love them back, however, there are reasons why some of them remain...

Perspective and Unrequited Love
Perspective and Unrequited Love. When people are depressed, they have less activity in the prefrontal lobes of the left side of their brain, so purposefully...

Strategizing Against Unrequited Love
Strategizing Against Unrequited Love. Most of us have been in love with our favourite toy as a kid. It was perhaps the main focus of...

Looking Beyond Unrequited Love
Looking Beyond Unrequited Love. Unrequited love hits harder if we stop meeting our basic emotional needs for companionship, creativity, and emotional intimacy, which can be...

The Pain of Unrequited Love
The Pain of Unrequited Love. The great philosopher Charlie Brown had very beautifully said "Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited...

Pedigree of Unrequited Love
Pedigree of Unrequited Love. Unrequited love - sounds kind of old-fashioned, doesn't it? It conjures up scenes of 18th-century folk wandering around misty moors, composing...

Stages of Rejection in Unrequited Love
Stages of Rejection in Unrequited Love. Scholars have noticed that excluded or rejected lovers are more likely to cheat. They are less likely to help...