unrequited lover



Unrequited Love and Sex in Perspective

Unrequited Love and Sex in Perspective. Ayurveda classifies the body into seven bodily tissues Plasma- known in Ayurveda as Dhatus Plasma - known in Ayurveda...

Unrequited Love Despair

Unrequited Love Despair. What is the advice on accepting friendship with someone you have romantic feelings for? How can two people experience the same connection...

Unrequited Love and Ayurvedic Union

Unrequited Love and Ayurvedic Union. According to the Vedas, life can be divided into four main concerns: Dharma - the spiritual duties Artha – the...

Unrequited Love and Tantric Sex

Unrequited Love and Tantric Sex. While doing my research on the subject, I came across this interesting way for couples to increase their bonding and...

Unrequited Love and Sex

Unrequited Love and Sex. Sex lies at the root of life; we can never learn to reverence life until we know how to understand sex....

Historical Literature on Unrequited Love

Historical Literature on Unrequited Love. This article examines the nature of unrequited love and some of the ethical and political ramifications. Some have sought to...

Unrequited Love Will Change

Unrequited Love Will Change. All of us have been in love at least once in a lifetime. Remember how great it felt when you first...

Karmic Lessons in Unrequited Love

Karmic Lessons in Unrequited Love - Are Karmic Relationships One-Sided? Are Karmic Relationships One-Sided? - One of the most confusing aspects of karmic relationships is...

Your Karma in Unrequited Love

Your Karma in Unrequited Love. Karmic relationships teach us lessons about co-dependence. What feels like love is need. And need is not love. One such...

Selfless Unrequited Love

Selfless Unrequited Love. Serotonin-enhancing antidepressants blunt the emotions in unrequited lovers undergoing therapy, including the elation of romance, and suppress obsessive thinking, which is a...

Evolution & Unrequited Love

Evolution and Unrequited Love. A term called ‘frustration attraction’ indicates that getting dumped by your partner makes you love the person harder. Most of us...

The Brain Function in Unrequited Love

The Brain Function in Unrequited Love It is believed that romantic love developed to focus an individual’s mating energy on just one partner, while attachment...

Science, Brain, Attraction, Love & Sex

Science, Brain, Attraction, Love and Sex. In a study published in 2002, a famous anthropologist and a multi-disciplinary team of experts studied 40 young people...

Worsening Unrequited Love

Worsening Unrequited Love. The feeling of obsessive jealousy is extremely unpleasant, but you cannot do anything about it until you accept that you are jealous...

Therapeutic Unrequited Love

Therapeutic Unrequited Love. The ‘Let Go’ method is a therapeutic technique and a powerful path to personal development. Basically, it teaches some easy steps to...
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