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Your Karma in Unrequited Love

Your Karma in Unrequited Love.

Karmic relationships teach us lessons about co-dependence. What feels like love is need. And need is not love. One such way of Karma to teach these lessons is by creating scenarios of unrequited love: You want to be with this person; they don’t, and vice versa. Somebody is always heartbroken in the end; somebody always loves more. I am going to tell you one thing that I have learnt in life- in a co-dependent relationship, the more you give, the more the other takes. No matter what the relationship is- friends, boss, children, spouse, lovers, anyone. If you see this happening with you, the relationship is unbalanced. You think by giving them everything, they will love you more, but it usually works the opposite way.

The essence of a spiritual soul is timeless. The physical body is simply the vehicle for the expression of your spirit. It is the physical body that falls in love with the wrong person and gets hurt when the feeling is not reciprocated. However, the conscious mind cannot remember everything that has ever happened throughout time, because the conscious mind is finite. It is the soul that carries these experiences to your future. The Karma centre lies within you. The pleasure of lovemaking, the pain of betrayal; these form a Karmic connection between two individuals and this connection remains with you, until you work towards becoming Karma clear. In my blog Unrequited Love and Karma, I have written how, today, when relationships are formed and broken so frequently, you will need to work hard to become Karma clear after a relationship has ended. This will be a time when you don’t have mental, spiritual, physical or emotional attachment elsewhere. Until the spiritual bond is broken, a new relationship will not work, and you may not even know why.


We often meet somebody and are instantly attracted to him/her. Have you ever loved somebody in an obsessive way that just by being with them felt like a drug? The relationship was like heroin. Have you ever had a relationship that kept pulling you back when you tried to walk away, even when you knew it was wrong for you? You obsessed and lusted after them. You needed, not necessarily wanted, them in an unhealthy, dysfunctional way. These are karmic relationships.

Whether we like it or not, the Universal Law of Karma constantly brings before each of us the meeting of our past use of free will and consciousness. Thus, what we have done to other souls and they have done to us is reflected in the circumstances surrounding our present relationships and the basic, innate urges, attitudes and emotions we feel toward each other. Karmic relationships have a magnetism to them to draw you to each other so that one or both of you can learn a lesson. They are similar to soul mate relationships, but the karma is usually negative. There’s an edge to the relationship. It feels off balanced in some way. There are usually red flags, but because the attraction is so great we ignore them. We think “How can it be wrong when it feels so good?”

One of the most confusing aspects in these relationships is we can easily mistake them for a soulmate because it feels like we’ve known them all our lives. They feel comfortable to us. But think of it this way: What if in another lifetime, you were betrayed by somebody which led to your murder? Well guess what, that’s the same guy you’re sleeping with now and the sex is incredible! You feel like you’ve known him before because you have: in another lifetime.

To balance the karma between you, you have a soul contract with each other to meet in this lifetime. So don’t count on this guy sticking around. He’s not the one you’re going to marry. You will most likely end up sleeping with his best friend and betraying him just as he did to you in a previous lifetime. What goes around, comes around. And it works the other way as well.

In my next blog I am going to write more about today’s relationships balancing your past Karma. Please share your experiences in the comments section and I will add them to my future blogs.

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