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6 Tips To Heal A Broken Heart

The studies of heartbroken people that have a clear understanding of why the relationship ended is really important for our ability to move on. Yet time and again when people are offered a simple and honest explanation, they reject it.

Here are some tips that will help you to heal a broken heart

Recognize Your Pain

Heartbreak creates such dramatic emotional pain your mind tells us the cause must be equally dramatic. And that gut instinct is so powerful, it can make even the most reasonable ones come up with mysteries and conspiracy theories when none exists.

6 Tips To Heal A Broken Heart
Recognize Your Pain

One has to recognize that, as compelling as the urge is, with every trip down the memory lane, every text which is sent every second, which is spent in stalking the ex on social media, they are just feeding their addiction, deepening the emotional pain and complicating their recovery process.

Do Not Search For Any Rationale

Getting over heartbreak is not a journey. It’s a fight, and the reason why you are not with that person is your strongest weapon. There is no explanation that’s going to feel good. No rationale can take away or lessen the pain you feel. So do not search for one, do not wait for one. Just accept the one you were offered or make up one yourself which will feel less hurtful and then put the question to rest.

Do Not Search For Any Rationale
Do Not Search For Any Rationale

Don’t allow the thoughts of your past relationship to live in the mind for the rest of the day. If someone did you wrong then let it go. They will ruin more of your life if you allow them to invade your mind like a virus which will only affect the quality of your life in every other area. 

Accept That It Is Over

You have to be willing to let go and to accept that it is over. Otherwise your mind will feed on your hope and set you back and hope can be incredibly destructive when your heart is broken. Heartbreak is a master manipulator and the ease with which it gets our mind to do the absolute opposite of what we need in order to move on is remarkable.

It is Over
It is Over

One of the most common tendencies we have when our heart is broken is to idealize the person who we love. We spent hours remembering their smile, how great they made us feel, that time when we went hiking on the mountain and made love under the stars and all that it does is make our loss feel more painful. We know that, yet we still allow our mind to cycle through the greatest hit after another like we were being held hostage by our own passive aggressive Spotify playlist.

Avoid The Negative Thoughts

Heartbreak will make negative thoughts pop into your mind which may be self-destructive so avoid it completely. On the other hand, to avoid idealizing, you have to balance them out by remembering their frown, not just their smile, how bad they made you feel, the fact that after the love making you slipped coming down the Mountain, fought aggressively and didn’t speak for three days.

Avoid The Negative Thoughts
Avoid The Negative Thoughts

Your mind will tell you they were perfect but they were not and neither was the relationship and if you want to get over them you have to remind yourself of that frequently.

Heartbreak shares all the hallmarks of traditional loss and grief- Insomnia in intrusive thoughts, immune system dysfunction. 40% of people experience clinically measurable depression. Heartbreak is a common psychological injury and it affects us in a multitude of ways.

Fill the voids

To fix your broken heart you have to identify the voids in your life and fill them- the voids in your identity, you have to reestablish who you are and what your life is about. The void in your social life- the missing activities, even the empty spaces on the wall where pictures used to hang, but none of that will do any good unless you prevent the mistakes that can set you back.

Feeling alone, Fill the voids
Fill the voids

The unnecessary searches for explanations, idealizing your ex instead of focusing on how they were wrong for you, indulging thoughts and behaviors that still give them a starring role in this next chapter of your life when they shouldn’t be an extra. Getting over heartbreak is hard but if you refuse to be misled by your mind and take the steps in order to heal you can significantly minimize the pain and suffering. By doing this, you will be more present with your friends, more engaged with your family, not to mention the billions of dollars of compromised productivity.

Showing you are strong enough to enjoy your life, to live your life fully and regardless of what happens or who isn’t doing the right thing by you. Let them have their accident somewhere else. 

Focus On Your Own Life

If life hasn’t gone as planned, just know that it doesn’t always go as planned for anyone. Move on and focus on the good. The people who live good lives haven’t got lucky. When things don’t work out, they move on and focus on the next positive. They drop the negative like a hot potato and focus on what they can do to get a better state.

If you break up a different they are video stages after break up switch me help you in healing the first page is pretty standard it’s probably the easiest but there is nothing like a good price you can do it alone with a friend or at work or randomly or no reason at all. 

Focus On Your Own Life
Focus On Your Own Life

The length of the stage varies from person to person. It could be days or weeks but it is a necessary stage to go through.

Distractions are key. It could be anything- can’t be sad if you’re too busy to think about it. A night with the girls is just what you need, but it could be scary being in such an environment so soon, especially since men can sense vulnerability.

Pretty soon you will find yourself wanting more interactions but you have to ask ” Are you ready?” Always remember, just because someone is good to you doesn’t mean that they are right for you. You don’t need to be with the first person who was nice to you. It takes time, involves many factors but in the meantime, it is a fun phase, you are starting to get some interaction in your life.

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