Sometimes we are so convinced that we have fallen in love and met the one that can be a painful shock when the relationship falls apart. Where did things go wrong? Was I just totally deluded about the situation? Well, as it turns out, many of us frequently mistake strong feelings for some other individual as love. We agree that we’re in a loving relationship, when, in fact, we’re in a relationship that is based on limerence. This is a vital concept in psychology that can help you make the experience of past and present relationships as nicely as ensure that you can structure and keep healthy romantic partnerships in the future.
The Symptoms of Limerence: An Overview
Although there is an overlap between the ride of love and limerence, limerence is different in that a character in limerence isn’t as worried about caring for the other man or woman so much as it is about securing that person’s affection. Limerence isn’t always about dedication and intimacy as it is about obsession. A person in the state of limerence exaggerates the sufficient attributes of the object of his or her affection and downplays their flaws. A limerent man or woman can go through such a hyperfocus on the other man or woman that they commence to lose a focal point on their lives and revolve their whole day round interplay with this person.
Limerence consists of an experience of being emotionally dependent on the object of your affections, devastation if these emotions are no longer reciprocated, and fantasies about the different individual, which can border on intense and elaborate. True love is forever LINEAR. Limerence is triangulation at its finest – It’s always you, the different person, and some other obstacle.

What is Limerence?
Limerence is not the same as lust, as it is now not exclusively lustful in nature. Moreover, while limerence is every now and then conflated with infatuation, it is pretty different. When we use the period infatuation or crush, it is typically based on a sense of immaturity, a lack of sufficient records about the partner, and is short-lived in nature.
Limerence is ordinary and no longer harmful. However, limerence can emerge as pathological if it disrupts your daily functioning and activities. This can occur when your feelings aren’t reciprocated, which can amp up the intrusive, obsessive thinking. This can make it difficult to get on with work, fulfill your responsibilities, or keep a wholesome social and family life. This is when speaking to a psychotherapist may additionally be necessary. It’s essential to understand why you’ve to turn out to be so easily and strongly connected to any person in this unhealthy way. This may be a sample you’ve seen in your romantic relationships.
The Difference Between Limerence and Love:
There are crucial differences between limerence and love. For example, when you actually love someone, you love him or her regardless of whether there is any reciprocation. Love is characterized by unconditional care for someone. In contrast, when a limerent bond is formed, you can only be joyful when your emotions are reciprocated.
Limerence regularly feels like genuine love at opening a relationship, only to progressively fizzle out or unexpectedly disappear. Limerence is an intense, ‘falling in love’ feeling. You were sure this man or woman was the one. It can be excruciating when your hopes and fantasies are overwhelmed in this way.
While being in love is, no doubt, a beneficial state of thought and attraction, it doesn’t have the identical intrusive, obsessive first-rate as limerence. You love your partner, but you no longer drive yourself crazy when they are away at work, out with friends, or on holiday. Love is calmer and much less dramatic than limerence.

Limerence is an unstable state, so any relationship that consists of it isn’t as possible to preserve itself over time compared to a partnership based totally on love. Nonetheless, limerent bonds can evolve into loving relationships, with blended limerent relationships typically lasting longer than mutual ones. Over time, limerence can subside and lead to stable, gratifying, and wholesome relationships. It looks that frequent symptoms of a loving relationship are shared values, mutual support, and growth. Love may now not be as thrilling as limerence. However, it leads to happier relationships in the long-term.